Nuclear Fission Can Be Described as a Chain Reaction.

There are two types of nuclear reactions called nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission and fusion involve the disintegration and combination of the elemental nucleus. In the case of nuclear fission, an atom divides into ii or more smaller or lighter atoms. Nuclear fusion occurs when ii or more than atoms bring together or fuse together to class a big or a heavier cantlet.

What is Nuclear Fission?

Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom is bombarded with low energy neutrons which split the nucleus into smaller nuclei. An abundant amount of energy is released in this procedure. Nuclear fission reactions are used in nuclear power reactors since it is easy to command and produces large amounts of energy.

When uranium-235 atoms bombard with neutrons, the heavy nucleus of the uranium splits and produces krypton-94 and barium-139 with the emission of three neutrons.

Read More: Nuclear Fission

What is Nuclear Fusion?

Nuclear Fusion is a reaction that occurs when 2 atoms combine together to form 1 or more than different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles like protons and neutrons. An enormous corporeality of energy is released in this process, much greater than the free energy released during the nuclear fission reaction.

Nuclear Fission and Fusion

Fusion occurs in the lord's day where the atoms of(isotopes of hydrogen, Hydrogen-3, and Hydrogen-ii) Deuterium and Tritium combine in a huge force per unit area atmosphere with extremely loftier temperatures to produce an output in the form of a neutron and an isotope of Helium. Too, the amount of free energy released in fusion is way greater than the free energy produced past fission.

Read More: Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fission vs Nuclear Fusion

The table below lists the various differences between nuclear fission and fusion:

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fusion

When the nucleus of an atom splits into lighter nuclei through a nuclear reaction the procedure is termed nuclear fission.

Nuclear fusion is a reaction through which two or more than light nuclei collide with each other to class a heavier nucleus.

When each atom divide, a tremendous amount of energy is released

The energy released during nuclear fusion is several times greater than the energy released during nuclear fusion.

Fission reactions exercise not occur in nature naturally

Fusion reactions occur in stars and the lord's day

Little energy is needed to split an atom in a fission reaction

High energy is needed to bring fuse two or more atoms together in a fusion reaction

Diminutive flop works on the principle of nuclear fission

Hydrogen bomb works on the principle of a nuclear fusion bomb.

The tabular array above would have given y'all a clear thought virtually how the ii terms nuclear fission and fusion vary from one another.

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