My News Feed on Facebook Goes From Clear to Blurry What is the Problem

The Facebook news feed is a section of the app that shows you pictures, videos, and links that are related to the type of activities you regularly view on the app. However, some users have complained about the blurry Facebook news feed videos. This article explains the causes of the problem and how to solve it.


How I Grew My Dying Facebook Traffic

When talking about social media giants, Facebook is a name to reckon with. In fact, if there's anyone you might have lost contact with and need to find, there's a high chance Facebook is the place to begin your search (almost every Tom, Dick, and Harry is on the app!).

The founder of the extremely popular social media app needs no introduction. Nevertheless, we all know the name: Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook Features

Facebook has a lot of exciting features that makes its users so attracted to it. It is probably the major social media app that adults actually find more interesting due to it's more relatable features for them. Here are some examples:


This was originally known as Facebook Chat and was started in 2008. At the onset, you could only post pictures and videos on Facebook, but there was no way to send messages to your acquaintances on the app.

This was the aim of Facebook Messenger: to create a better way of communication for the users of the app. It was originally a website, but it now had its own app, and another amazing fact about it is that you do not have to own a Facebook account to actually have a Messenger account.

You only need the app and to have the phone number of the person you want to reach on your contact list (the person must also be on Messenger, of course.). Another feature that was added recently is the Facebook Messenger rooms, which is a video char feature that can allow up to 50 participants.


One thing common to most social media apps is the means of getting the users to be able to post all types of content, which can both educate and entertain their friends and followers on the app.

The Facebook news feed does justice to the means mentioned above. With the news feed, you can view pictures, videos, and links that are quite relatable to your previous activities on the app. There's no need to worry about getting information that doesn't interest you as the preferences of content on your newsfeed can be edited to your choice.


This is similar to the Snapchat or Instagram Stories or WhatsApp status, and they all have one similarity: they have a 24-hour expiration period. On the Messengers day, short videos, pictures, and links can be posted and will be viewed by your friends on the app.

Reasons for Facebook News feed videos being blurry

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Some users have complained about most videos they see in their news feed being blurry, and even after changing the video quality, it takes quite a while for the video to switch to a high-quality format. The reasons for this might be quite numerous but let's go through a few:


If the version of the app being used is old, the app tends to malfunction in different ways, and the problem being discussed could be one of the problems manifested.


For those who use Facebook on a browser, it is possible that the browser being used is already outdated and is affecting how the Facebook website is functioning.


When the stored cache data is already accumulating to a large size, it also tends to affect the way the app functions, and there might even be some other problems the app might manifest.


If the settings on the video quality displayed on the app have been preset to "SD," the video quality will tend to be in the low format every time.

Solutions to Facebook News feed being blurry


Facebook videos might be blurry as a result of the settings of quality. You can solve it by changing the quality. To change the quality, follow these steps:

  • Click at the gear icon
  • change the quality to the highest

Changing, however, depends on your network, and you should be careful of that.


If experiencing the issue, the advisable first line of action is to update the app as this will eliminate any glitches that come with the old version of the app. To update the app:

  • Click on Google Play Store on the app menu of your device
  • Search for Facebook
  • Check if the "Update" icon is still highlighted
  • If highlighted, update the app and try viewing the videos again


If you're using the Facebook website, the browser may be an old version, and this might be affecting the video player of the browser, making it to malfunction. To update the web browser:

  • Click on Google Play Store
  • Search for the browser being used
  • If the 'update' icon is highlighted, click on it and update the browser.


If the cache of the app is too large, it tends to affect the functioning of the app and might be responsible for the problem. To clear the cache, go to Settings > Apps > Facebook > Storage, then clear the cache. Restart the device, and the app should function well afterward.


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